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I'm a fan of making good choices, seat belts, America, neon, Jimmy Johns, sarcasm, cookies and telling everyone about it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

WEDDING SEASON: Fly Solo Baby Bird

Its summer and you know what that means….WEDDING SEASON. Grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly because chances are you’ve been invited to at least one wedding or maybe someone has asked you to be their plus one. There will be dancing, CAKE, love, and hopefully open bars. But what happens if you receive an invite and that plus one option doesn’t exist? It’s time leave the nest and fly solo baby bird. You can do it and to get you prepared to get your stag status on- here are some tips and tricks to make sure you have your shit together. 

1. Make sure to RSVP to the wedding invite promptly and leave subtle notes that lets the bride know that a. you’re pumped and b. you’re super single.  Try using what the kids are calling hashtags these days to get your messages across. She’ll think you’re super with it and will only add to the life of her party. Clearly you were a good guest list must-have. #goodonya #fistpump

2. Fella’s get your hurrs cut, ladies get your nails did. I’m talking about the primpin’ before the pimpin’. It’s summer so don’t be afraid to go suave with the clippers and bright with the polish.  Ladies, may I suggest you shine bright like a diamond on the toes and get your tips French and FRESH. #fetchishappeningtoday

3. THE GIFT must have the perfect card that should reflect your personality. I strongly suggest swerving away from the traditional wedding cards to really standout.  For example the following card I just gave to one of my friends at her wedding:

4. El Preperado for your trip like a boss- you need to look fierce so DO wear something that says “I’m Fly as Hell and I need to take selfies like 5 minutes ago.” DON’T wear something that says “OMG Becky, look at her butt”. Obvi, oh and you’re welcome. 

5. Are you FLYING or DRIVING to said location? You know what- it doesn’t matter- just make sure you have AWESOME tunes to get you through and only the BEST snacks because you deserve it. #stressfulsituations #mistakesweknewweweremaking #hashtag

6. RESEARCH. AKA Stalk everything you can to find out the guest list. There’s nothing worse than going to a wedding single and not knowing anyone else. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL PEOPLE, so do whatever you can to find one kindred spirit who will either a. stand with you near the bar all night or b. stand with you by the cake all night…..I effing love cake. 

7. If you’re going to show up late for something, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT show up late for cocktail hour. #funhaver #OPENBAR #ineedtodrinktowobble #smart 

8. ALWAYS bring back-up shoes or just plan in advance. I wore fancy sandals that are actual fancy flip-flops at a wedding recently- do you know who looked at my feet? Uh- NO ONE….do you know who was still standing by the end of the night with a piece of cake and a look in her eye that said, “someone will love me someday” uh this girl because: comfortable shoes + cake = I love cake and my feet don’t hurt. #math #MASTER’SDEGREE

9. If you aren’t seated at the singles people table- HUNT. THEM. DOWN. Love is an epidemic and errrr bodayyy wants some. Find your target and engage immediately over cocktails….because you weren’t late for cocktail hour. #fullcircle #ohi’lljusthaveavodkatonicholdthetonic #selfie

10. Lastly, Stage 5. YES, stage 5 clingers are real. If you feel trapped, make sure the bride and groom know you love them and that you had an EPIC time. Like the best time….once this message has been relayed ABORT YOUR MISSION. There are plenty of other fish in the sea- DOWN PERISCOPE, DOWN. #cake2go

So seriously, I can’t tell you how exactly every wedding will go if you have to attend with a stag-status, but the important thing is that you remain calm, pumped, and effing ready to go. Just whatever you do, whatever you do- make good choices and stuff. Yay. 

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