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I'm a fan of making good choices, seat belts, America, neon, Jimmy Johns, sarcasm, cookies and telling everyone about it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The End of Summer: FINISH STRONG.

There are few things in this word that make me sad:

1. Sarah McLachlan’s save the animals commercials.

 2. The bottom of a peanut butter or Nutella jar

3. Realizing that you just binged watched an entire series on Netflix and the story ends right in that very moment and you have no idea how you will recover or find something equally as time-consuming or awesome.

4. Saying goodbye to peeps I genuinely have positive feels for a.k.a. LOVE.

5. Last but not least, the end of summer. It’s happening people. We can’t do anything about it- summer is ending and we need to take the time to cherish what little of it we have left. So to turn those frowns upside down, here are a few things you could do to make sure you’re ending your summer with a strong and super positive thumbs up:


1. SHMOE out or GET OUT. A great AMERICAN (emphasis on the world’s Greatest Country) past-time is the S’more. Now in my line of living, this has been evolved into the shmoe- complete with its own complimentary song and dance. Have you not shmoed yet this summer? NOW IS THE TIME. Get JAZZY with your fire-pitting snacking with a REESES CUP instead of a normal chocolate bar. It’s like a Nutter Butter had a baby with a marshmallow. #GAMECHANGER You’re welcome in advance.

2. GRILL PARTY! OH heyyyy, BYOM (BRING YOUR OWN MEAT!) Nothing says summer like grilling-out and chances are you haven’t done enough of it! GRAB your bros and your ladies and be sure to get a few more B-Que’s in your memory book because nothing says “I love summer" like sharing meat with your top humans.#puns

3. TAKE yoself OUT to the ballgame. Seriously, going to a baseball game will COMPLETE your summer activity list if you haven’t gone already. IT IS ALSO an excellent date or group outing.  You can bro-out hard or be all suave with your potential significant other…HOW COULD THIS NOT BE AN AWESOME IDEA, uh it can’t.#jumbotron #DOTHAT

4. LABOR DAY, because you get to wear your 4th of July Swag all over again. WHAT? YOU DIDN’T GET ANY? Not OK. Great news— sales on sales on sales! If your closet isn’t stacked with red, white, and blue, NOW is your chance! Get on my level people and get your FREEDOM on.

5.  CAMP OUT. With OR without your wolfpack, you can pitch a tent literally anywhere. I suggest the backyard, front yard, THE LIVING room, even your bed. Your people will be all like “What did you do this summer” and you can say all nonchalantly “I did some seriously epic things like camping. It might have been the best summer ever, nbd”. Not only will you gain envy points but you can give yourself a pat on the back for making your summer that much better. 


6. SPRITZERS for EVERYONE. Seriously, men and women alike can get behind this refreshing cocktail. Still not ready to jump headfirst into your fall beverages of choice? Have no fear. Grab a red or white wine, club soda, Sprite, Fresca, WHATEVER, ICE and frozen berries and it’s like Juicy Juice had a baby with carbonated, alcohol-induced awesome. This is a sure fire-way to say “HEY summer, I’m still here and seriously bro- I support you.” THE BEST PART- you can enjoy this refreshing number all year round. #YAY 

 7. LIGHTNING BUGS— childhood throwback right here. Have you caught any yet this summer? $5 bucks says you haven’t.  Are you competitive? Hell yes you are. Time to grab some bro’s and some spritzers and have yourself a competitive party where you are destined to be the winner.  Why? Because the only reason you want to have your humans over is just to win something. Tired of the lightning bugs? CARDS against HUMANITY or board games…whatever, just hit this competitive good time outside with some mood lighting or jar up those lightening bugs to really get your competitive juices going. This mentality will say “hey, I’m ready to play something new…but hey….I still won this bug game so…”

8. GIRLS NIGHT or Bro’s night- either way Now and Then or The Sandlot needs to be watched. It’s the perfect way to end the summer with your main summer squeezes. You may never chill with them again so make it memorable by mandating a ladies/bro’s only night complete with themed snacks. May I suggest round foods or only foods that start with the letter P…coincidentally, pizza is both round and starts with the letter P. #SMART #Ididthisinhighschool #nostalgia

9. SLIP ‘N SLIDE. Do you know when Slip N’ Slides stop being cool? Uh, ME EITHER. AKA DO THIS. In fact, these kids have the right idea. #doingitright #onesliponeflip #thisisthebest

10. And FINALLY, The End of Summer Party everyone has been a. trying to find someone to throw and b. get it over with so they can look forward to Saturday tailgates and football watching parties. YOU can be the cool kid and throw an epic end of season bash and/or get together. Throw on that country or summer music playlist one last time and end this summer season in style on/or around LABOR DAY weekend with your awesome red white and blue swag; complete with Shmoes, BYOM, a pick-up game of softball or wiffleball, perchance a tent or two, SPRITZERS, lightening bug competitions, an outdoor nostalgic film, and a friendly round of one slip, one flip...yeah all 9 todo's in one day just says "I'm a badass and HLo knows best." #GOODonya #nailedit

So sweet, sweet summer- it's not over yet but it will be soon. In which case, I challenge you to finish strong, to take my advice, and to make good choices....and stuff.

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