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I'm a fan of making good choices, seat belts, America, neon, Jimmy Johns, sarcasm, cookies and telling everyone about it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

You Can't Hug Every Cat

So here I am. I may or may not have pulled an epic now you see me, no you don’t card. Flawless execution, impeccable mystery, and my sleight of hand (and or being) was on point. I never took myself for much of a magician but I feel magical for my ability to just free fall like Tom Petty always said to do.

So where was I? I was trapped in a glass case of a master’s degree program that I may or may not use to my benefit. The rest of the United States of the America’s does this so, it only made sense that I would jump on this band wagon too. I just love music and I can’t say no to a hay ride! YEEHAAAA, where the hell are my boots?!

So now what? Now, I try to figure out a new normal. Figure out what it’s like to only do one thing at one time. So far, seriously,

All aboard the STRUGGLE BUS! Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times until you feel like you’re ready to be your own stunt double in one of those really exciting action movies with THE ROCK (have you seen what this guy eats on cheat day?)

.......and explosions, and maybe a guy that looks like a spider and crawls on buildings, or MAYBE Chris Pine will be all like, “Hey Girl, I’ll beam you up” straight out of Star Trek during the only time it was cool, ever. Thor would be pretty neat too #hammertime. So what I’m saying is- someone should have some sort of cape and magical ability to lure me off of the struggle bus. Yeah do that because you know what’s not getting me off my bus?

Orange. Is. The. New. Black. (OITNB)

How long did it take me to watch the second season? One day. JUST one. Bingeing on Netflix was like on my top ten list once I broke out of grad school. The real world was just such a new and exciting place. I was scared at first, really. I didn’t know if I should contact my friends, I didn’t know if I should try to eat normal foods without saturated fat and a receipt that said “Thank YOU come again!” I needed to watch this. I had to watch this. I couldn’t stop. Why? Because I was an educated convict of the state of Virginia, trapped within the walls of learning and immediacy- TRAPPED within my personal expectations of “A’s” or die. Did you know you can’t get honors in graduate school? Do you know what that means? I hate myself. EFFORT is a bitch. I just gave too much of it, so not cute. I could have saved it, utilized it when the going really got tough. Truth be told- the going got more than tough but that’s why my hair is so big, it’s full of secrets. 

So OITNB, I’ll just wait another year to watch 13 episodes straight and be disgusted with my self-discipline and how it only arises when something commercialized goes straight to my hips. Damnit. #peoplesayimagingwell. OH SHIT. I’m aging, not a lot. I can’t complain about it yet. I don’t think I’ll ever really complain about my age unless I’m doing something really stupid- then I’ll complain, like cats. CATS, now that IS stupid. My sister is already on the crazy cat lady train and I just can’t jump on board.

Unless I have a cat that visually gets excited to see me, then we’re talking. I need a cat that smiles and can’t control its ass from wagging its tail too much when it’s just trying to say hello. If I find said cat, then yes,  I might start complaining about my age……because it’s stupid and not realistic. Reality checks are like super important for individuals who are entering the life of the late-twenty somethings or who are entering the life of the early thirty somethings. Why are these reality checks super important? BECAUSE, when shit happens, life happens. BUT WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?! It means, breathe, stretch, shake, and leeeeeego. If there is a rule book for what I should be doing as a 27-year old woman, than by all means throw it my way. Sounds like some excellent late night reading!!!! OH the HUMANITY of engagements, weddings, babies, christenings, job promotions, and the FACEBOOKS telling me “Yo, girl…..you look supafly not doing what everyone else is doing.” WOAH, rude Facebook, AND it’s not my fault that you pick up on the people that I’ve been stalking. Girlfriend had a ROCK, of course I needed to stalk that shit. NOW, now she’s all up on my news feed. Just rude- there is way more going on. Like the funny cat videos you ALSO strategically put in my news feed. Haha, silly kitties. NO, this is what’s happening. IT’S YOU Facebook that could be the demise of all my good juju. I’m too young to complain about my age and we’ve already been over that Cats=ohhellno. 

 Wear your seat belt, raise your hand, make good choices and stuff....Yeah. Cats. Hell no. #okmaybe #fluffy #ImnamingitSteve

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